Rapper Lil Baby and the mother of his 5-year-old son have been going back and forth for weeks after she publicly accused him of failing to pay for their son Jason’s schooling. Ayesha Howardsaid as a result of receiving no payments, their little boy got kicked out.
As TMZ noted, Ayesha recently filed legal docs seeking a declaration of paternity and child support from Lil Baby. While claiming he has a net worth in excess of $4 million which includes money he has raked in from various business deals, she points out that one of the deals actually involves the use of a photo of their son. To prove that he’s making big loads of money, she states that Lil Baby owns at least 7 luxury vehicles, including 2, million-dollar Lamborghinis. Ayesha claims she only makes less than $25k per year, way less compared to the rapper.
The 25-year-old entertainer is now firing back with his own legal docs, claiming he has been doing everything for their son including covering “all expenses for the care, support, and maintenance” of him, along with providing regular support payments, TMZ notes. Not only is Lil Baby now looking for the court to grant joint legal custody of baby Jason, but he’s also seeking primary physical custody.