On Friday night, the newly retired rapper tweeted at the record label, demanding it compensate Lil Keke for lending his vocals to No Pressure—Logic's sixth and final studio album.
"Yo @defjam can you please pay Lil Keke his fucking money ... That’s my bro, don’t be fuckin up my relationships man! He been professional and patient! Pay the man god damn!!!!"
the Maryland native tweeted.
Logic also tweeted earlier this week to express his frustration over delayed merch deliveries. A fan responded to the tweet by asking Visionary Music Group—an indie label and management company—for assistance. VMG replied shortly after, insisting the Def Jam and Universal teams would have the answers.
On Saturday, Logic posted on Instagram naming more of his friends who haven't gotten paid by the label yet: 6ix, Kevin Randolph,DJ Rhetorik, and more.