Netflix is now facing criminal charges in Texas, after refusing to back down about the release of its film “Cuties,” which received backlash from conservative lawmakers and groups for allegedly promoting child pornography.

A grand jury in Tyler County, Texas, on Tuesday indicted the streaming giant on charges for the promotion of lewd visual material depicting a child, according to a press release from the county’s criminal district attorney, Lucas Babin.
The film, the grand jury found, violates section 43.262 of the Texas Penal Code, which makes it illegal to “knowingly promote visual material that depicts the lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a clothed or partially clothed child, which appeals to the prurient interest in sex and has no serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.”
“The legislators of this state believe promoting certain lewd material of children has destructive consequences. If such material is distributed on a grand scale, isn’t the need to prosecute more, not less?”
Babin said in a statement.
James Bradley, a local Republican who is running for Congress in California’s 33rd congressional district against incumbent Democrat Ted Lieu, tweeted his thoughts on the film, saying that anyone who supports “Cuties” is “enabling abuse.”