Officers shot and killed a Black man who was wielding a knife while approaching

The man was identified as Walter Wallace Jr., 27. Mayor Jim Kenney said video of the shooting "presents difficult questions that must be answered.
"Outrage over the shooting in West Philadelphia set off protests and looting, leading to dozens of arrests and the officers' injuries, most the result of thrown objects. One officer was struck by a pickup and taken to the hospital with a broken leg and other injuries", police said.
Thirty officers were injured in the aftermath of the shooting. Monday's incident, caught on cell phone video, draws fresh attention to fatal use of force by police following months of protests over how officers treat Black people. The shooting and violent protests also sharpen the focus on the swing state of Pennsylvania a week before the presidential election.
Businesses were looted, and five police vehicles and one fire vehicle were vandalized, police said. Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said 91 people were arrested during the unrest, including 11 on charges of assaulting police and 76 for burglary.
She said that police anticipate the possibility of more unrest Tuesday and have requested aid from surrounding counties and the state. Acting Commerce Director Sylvie Gallier Howard said the city has not asked businesses to close early though some have gotten in touch and said they are choosing to do so voluntarily.
The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office is investigating the shooting jointly with the police unit tasked with investigating officer-involved shootings, the agency said. Authorities said the officers were wearing body cameras. Footage has been reviewed by the mayor and police commissioner but has not been made public because it is part of an ongoing investigation, officials said.
"Last night, we saw further evidence of the anguish of black and brown residents of our city who have struggled their entire lives under systemic racism," Mayor Kenney said.
Outlaw told reporters Tuesday afternoon that she could not commit to releasing body camera footage in the next 48 to 72 hours, but added that she will be transparent as to what can be released and when. She said the officers involved did not have Tasers. Mayor Kenney and other leaders called for peace as they acknowledged the underlying source of the anger.