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Trump's COVID-19 Diagnosis Date Clarified, Conflicting Update Cites 'Very Concerning' Vitals

President Donald Trump departs the White House for New Jersey on Thursday

Shortly after Donald Trump's physician announced that the president is "doing very well," an anonymous White House source released a health update that greatly contradicts the doctor's report


Following Dr. Sean Conley's address on Saturday morning outside of Walter Reed hospital, where Trump is scheduled to remain under observation for several days, a White House official said in a pool report that Trump's vitals are "very concerning."

"The president's vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery,"

the statement read.

"As reported yesterday, in consultation with this group I recommended we bring the president up to Walter Reed as a precautionary measure to provide state of the art monitoring and any care he might need. At this time the team and I are extremely happy with the progress the president has made."

Conley said during the Saturday morning press conference.

"The president’s been fever free for over 24 hours. We remain cautiously optimistic, but he’s doing great,"

he added later, noting that his other symptoms, which included fatigue,

"are now resolving and improving."


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